Charity Work
We're committed to leaving a net positive impact on the planet, one of the ways we do this is through charity, we have worked with many over the years and that isn't going to change! read on to see who, why and how we have worked with these charities and organisations to try and make a difference!

So what was all this about? Well in short, OSA was turning 8 and we wanted to celebrate and give back by raising some money for charity. Liam came up with the idea of cycling from the top of the UK to the bottom and if that wasn't enough, cycle back home to Cardiff too! all in the name of Charity.
The problem was that we were not cyclists by any means, we didn't even have bikes!
So there we have it, 1328 miles in 22 days was the challenge, we made it! it was an incredible journey and lots memories were made. We raised £6000 for our 3 chosen charities and we are so appreciative of the support we had.

In January 2021, we launched the Eddy Collection. It was a collection that we were going to launch anyway and has been one of our longest standing collections to date but then we had a thought, we love dogs so why not dedicate this collection to them. So that's what we did. 25% of all the proceeds from this collection goes to The Rescue Hotel.
They do amazing work raising money to get rescue dogs the surgerys and help that they need. They are partnered with Cardiff Dogs Home and together they provide a safe space for dogs who have been abandoned or abused and re-home them with families that will give them the love they deserve. Over the years we have raised over £5000 and have buit an amazing relationship with the team down at Cardiff's Dog Home too.

Back in 2020, Australia suffered one of it's most severe and devastating fire seasons ever. 24.3 million hectares were affected, resulting in massive loss of habitat. Many lives, homes and over 3 billion animals were lost to the fires.
We started the OSA AUS collection to raise money for WIRES who support comunities and wildlife affected by the wildfires. All of the profits from the sale of these items went to them for all the work they were and still are doing. All in all we raised £2500 back in 2020 and we've only got our comunity to thank for that!